What we owe our dogs


There is one thing that all my clients, and myself have in common: we all want our dogs to be happy. However, sometimes life simply takes over, and we need to stop and remind ourselves the promises we've made to our dogs the day we let them into our lives.

We owe it to our dogs to help them:

  1. Trust and believe in themselves 
  2. Enjoy being touched and petted
  3. Enjoy surprises
  4. Be calm and content
  5. Respect boundaries
  6. Fit into our human world
  7. Be well trained & have good manners
  8. Be encouraged to make the right choices
  9. Be loved & feel loved
  10. Be dogs

This list does not stop there of course: to be groomed, well fed, and responsibly bred (or not at all), are amongst the other duties we have as dog guardians. However to achieve the 10 points above you will need to spend some daily quality time with your dogs, introduce them to brain activities everyday, take them on long walks, positively socialise them, and kindly train them. 

If you're not sure where to start, and need some help with training, fun brain activities, and games for you and your dog, don't hesitate to contact me today to arrange a training session in your home. 

The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too.
— Samuel Butler

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